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Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere

A solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco could lead to brighter clouds that reflect sunlight. The risks are numerous

Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere

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  • Given the raging anti-science commentary that erupts whenever geoengineering experiments are proposed is it any wonder they're doing it quietly?

    • yeah, because this isn't the right solution...

      • How can you have evidence to support that position until testing is done?

        • don't you think this idea wasn't shared with the IPCC scientists? It already was. The problem is that it could bring more unpredictability to the climate.

          • The subject of this thread is an experiment that is testing the efficacy of the process. Simply "sharing an idea" doesn't give you evidence of whether it works.

            The problem is that it could bring more unpredictability to the climate.

            Emphasis added. How do you know whether it will bring unpredictability without some kind of experiment or other data?

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