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You're treading a fine line Mr. Tim Apple


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  • So they used illegal keys to test their illegal emulator…….. you just agreed to everything I’ve stated.

    • Nothing illegal was mentioned there on the emulation side. TOTK is a rom in this specific instance. A Rip of a cartridge, which considering how early it was obtained must have been ripped from a cartridge by somebody (probably on the distribution chain or even from someone inside Nintendo). The system keys didn't change to support that ROM. They were dumb and advertised support for something that they shouldn't even have which (probably) to Nintendo proves piracy by the devs as they shouldn't have been able to obtain the rom.

      Nothing about this is how YUZU itself operates as a program. It's not an illegal emulator and you need to stop spouting this nonsense.

      • For a “legal” emulator making money they sure didn’t put up a fight, I wonder why the other emulators are doing so and without the money that yuzu illegally pulled in? Maybe because yuzu wasn’t what you thought…?

        You literally say they did shit wrong, then in the same breath defend them. This is hilarious. For someone who apparently did nothing wrong, they rolled over hella fast, that doesn’t make you question what they actually did…? Here’s the clue, the lawyers told them they were fucked, settle before discovery or you’re worse than screwed. There’s no way to prove any of this obviously, but it’s the only scenario that makes a shred of sense given the circumstances.

        • For someone who apparently did nothing wrong, they rolled over hella fast

          So Yuzu, at it's peak. Was making 45k a month from patreon donations. That's about 500k a year if that rate would sustain... In reality they were averaging 15-20k a month closer to 200k a year. Then a MASSIVE mega-corp hits you with legal action amounting to 2.4 billion or 12 YEARS of income... Do you put up a fight? How much of a fight can you put up as a small development team working on an emulator?

          How many years do you fight the mega-corp with virtually unlimited money? How much does all those lawyers fees tally up to?

          Of course they rolled over. EVEN IF THEY'RE RIGHT, it's going to be years and years of lawyers. It's going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars of money spent to defend this. Multiple years of wasted income.

          If I was a billionaire and came to your house and made a claim to something under threat of burying you legally. What would your response be? How much could you resist before you have to settle and walk away from it? This happens literally ALL the time. Very few people win.

          Yuzu is/was woefully unequipped to handle the situation. They "caved" so quickly because they knew they couldn't win the fight regardless. They'd exhaust all their income and time. The project would get no further development anyway. So rather than handing over all their assets, money, time, and future income... They just handed over all their assets and current money and the devs can move on to other projects.

          This is obvious and normal. You're just obtuse.

          You literally say they did shit wrong

          No. I said the emulator was and is legal. You're the one using "illegal" like you're trying to pass the bar. Actions the Yuzu devs took show poor intent. The program itself was perfectly fine. Yuzu accepting donations isn't illegal either by the way.

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