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Pardon me for not finding “vulnerable people need to die for my ideology” very convincing.


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  • Fucking kill me now hoo lee dude. It's the same every time I'm so joever this shit. Take me off the wild ride, take me out of the fucking time loop. Is there a way to like block every single "voting advocacy" post, or something? I don't necessarily care to block users or communities but hoo lee shit it's like a drill plunged deep into my cortical nerves. It's like I'm trapped in groundhog's day but then it's just inane bitching about how everyone is a CCP or russian shill and a vote for biden is a vote for democracy, and a vote for anyone else is a vote for trump and fascism. And ummm errmmmm ackshually how maybe the democratic party should nut up and go full communism and wouldn't it be nice if I had a free pony, actually electoralism and reformism sucks because nihilism. Nobody has heard of dual power. Kill me please, kill me with hammers.

    Never any discussion of, oh, are you in a district that is going to vote blue almost inevitably? Maybe a protest vote makes sense. What should you do in a swing state? What could you do in other cases? What are suitable times for protests or local advocacy, what are potential local advocacy groups? Any discussion on alternative voting systems, advocacy for those systems, etc. Nope, fuck that shit, easier just to bitch and moan. I'm doing it right now, because it's so easy, actually. Exhausting. Hoo lee. Please stop feeding the mao zedong CCP trolls, if that's what you think they are. Publically shaming their stupidity is not a good strategy. If they are stupid, which they are, then it will be self-evident to onlookers, you don't have to coddle the fence and in the process end up feeding the trolls more and engaging in unproductive schlock conversations about unproductive things. That's giving them what they want.

    • I have a gift for you. I don't necessarily disagree with the idea that jawing about it online is a waste of time, but also, with the energy devoted to this post you could have signed up with them. I also scattered some links to some other organizations and etc somewhere down in the threads.

      • All the links going from that link just go to donations. There's no actual "sign up" option, there's no organization for protests or local city council activism or anything. I am not overly impressed with that link.

        • I looked over it just now... I thought it was just me that I couldn't find the sign up link. I think you are right. And there's been some sort of controversy about it although I can't really make head or tail of it.

          What the fuck man where do I go to have a productive impact

          • What the fuck man where do I go to have a productive impact

            Hell, probably.

            Also local city council meetings, but then that's kind of an eternal fool's errand, because those are going to be eternally swamped by the pettiest, most spiteful old people you've ever seen, who are almost always going to overwhelmingly vote against measures which might positively impact your community on the basis that the unworthy might take advantage of it, just like they've been doing for the past 50 years when all the public pools got filled in. It requires more organization and dedication to sit up in city council meetings and trudge through docket after docket of meaningless public works projects and city budgets that you can't affect at all in order to find something that you can vote on, and then figure out that actually your vote didn't matter. It requires a real passion for mediocre bureaucracies.

            Also telegram channels, but those are mostly just a bunch of white supremacist dickbags, disillusioned teenagers, and fed honeypots, but then I repeat myself thrice.

            Also local volunteer work, but then most of those are just band-aids that further enable neoliberal blood-sucking, and potentially even stifle alternatives, if you're extremely but reasonably cynical, mostly as evidence by the large amounts of neoliberal funding which go towards those sorts of programs.

            Probably actually the best answer you're going to find is the worst jobs out there. Something like a local, relatively disorganized or low-key harm reduction group, where you're handing out needles or some such. Something that really nobody likes, basically. Giving out food, shelter, etc. to the homeless (possibly compost toilet or disposal materials, or even doing dump runs for them, helps out a ton), rather than just volunteering at a soup kitchen, or a shelter which probably is either super overcrowded or is subject to too many stipulations, which kinda make them totally useless. Building benches to put at bus stops, that sort of thing. Robbing FDIC ensured ATMs, which theoretically only very minorly increases inflation in an economy which extremely heavily favors the rich already. Actually don't do that one that's illegal. The only problem with those is that it's pretty easy to get arrested for defacing public property, giving out drug paraphenalia, or giving out non-FDA insured food, so, your mileage may vary on all that.

            If you're talking more reformist shit, that's stuff where I kind of flame out because I don't know where to begin, but usually it's better done in larger more organized cities, to begin with, it probably involves groups like extinction rebellion, and it involves using more discrete political events, manufactured or otherwise, to push for support and gain leverage against political entities, which can then be transformed into gains, which then lend can itself to more organization. Biggest thing here is probably unionization, so long as it's done for the benefit of workers and not to protect corporations from firebombings. None of those are exactly things that you can sign up for online, usually, they just arise when they arise.

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