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EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur

The European Union should suspend its trade and institutional ties with Israel to deter war crimes that amount to genocide in the Gaza Strip, the UN's special rapporteur on Palestine has said. #EuropeNews

EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur

The European Union should suspend its trade and institutional ties with Israel to deter war crimes that amount to genocide in the Gaza Strip, the UN's special rapporteur on Palestine has said.

"Europe is the main trading partner - which accounts I think for 30% of Israel's trade - so it has a huge power and it should use that power. In the end, this is not an option, it's an obligation because Article 2 of that association agreement foresees the suspension in case of violations of human rights," she added.

Albanese said the EU's reluctance to use the measures in its power to hold Israel to account perpetuates Israel's impunity and reveals a "disconnect" between Europe's political class and the large portion of European society that has persistently called for a ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip.

She also said EU leaders need to take more concrete counter-measures against Israel, including revoking diplomatic recognition and targeted sanctions on government officials.


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  • By international law only israel has committed a war crime as it condones resistance against occupation by any means necessary.

    By international laws, also fighting without an uniform is a crime.
    By international laws, you must not use human shields. The Geneva convention also stipulate that if you don't apply it with me, you have no right to ask to be applied to you.

    So, we are still sure that only one side is committing a war crime ? If not, why not ask also to the other side to respect the international laws.

    And if we decide this is not a war but an act of terrorism, why we should ask to the victim side (in this specific occasion) to respect a law that do not apply to the situation and let the offending side to do what it want ? Only because they are playing dirty ?

    Also the israeli blockade on Palestine is one of the most flagrant violations of humanitarian law and already “sanctions” Palestinians.

    Gaza has a border with Egypt and, as far as I know, Israel cannot do anything to close this border (aside attacking Egypt of course). So, at the minimum, we should also punish Egypt for blocking the Palestinians.

    • The Geneva convention also stipulate that if you don’t apply it with me, you have no right to ask to be applied to you.

      See the funny part here is that israel is the party that has ignored international law for the last 75 years. We're doing some weird history reversal here by saying that it's the Palestinians fault for not following it.

      If israel had followed international law there would have never been retaliation from Gaza.

      we should also punish Egypt for blocking the Palestinians.

      We do not of course. As we personally supply Egypt with weapons and billions in loans to keep their corrupt government in power to help israel surpress the Palestinians and the rest of the Egyptian population. Sisi is an American puppet.

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