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“Lesser evils”


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  • nice revisions though

    This coming from the person who edited both of their comments after I responded to them.

    why won't you endorse the any-means-necessary driving out of colonizers?

    Not once have I criticized anything to do with resistance to Israel. What I mean by critical support -- as I said elsewhere in this thread -- is that I support Hamas in its anticolonial struggle, but there's no good reason to sign off on everything they believe in on social issues. It's extremely easy to support the good an organization does while not excusing the bad.

    For the original take of #2, you were not fucking arguing for the support of class traitors

    Now you're just lying. You edited in a second link after I was already replying to you. Debatelord shit like this is why this is my last comment to you in this thread.

    you were whelping about how our use of "cracker" wasn't "coalition-building behavior"

    I was criticizing the comment “I don’t trust a white person unless they have a biracial kid, and even then maybe not.” How are you saving all these comments of mine and not even reading them?

    Further, when you put an objectively bad take out there and someone addresses you on it, doesn't your instance specifically have a rule about walking out on good faith dialogue?

    "Mods! MODS!!!!!"

    You're not even right about what you're trying to rules-lawyer

    • This coming from the person who edited both of their comments after I responded to them.

      Someone can't read timestamps, apparently.

      What I mean by critical support

      There is a time and a place for 'critical support'; and a war against colonizers is not it.

      Debatelord shit

      I could call your repetitive lying and backpedaling settler shit, couldn't I? Only reason I hadn't til now was I was still trying to be civil; but I guess that's out the window.

      I was criticizing the comment “I don’t trust a white person unless they have a biracial kid, and even then maybe not.”

      Wrong, you posted a top-level comment to a thread OP that had NOTHING TO SAY about biracial kids "Lots of normal comments, very conducive to building a mass movement". You were whelping about the whole thread at that top-level point, and then tried to move goalposts to a convenient other comment after you caught pushback. Lies, damn lies, and settler shit. You might as well have that be your last reply to me; it perfectly encapsulates everything you're about.

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