Americans be like
Americans be like
Americans be like
Claiming that taking tough measures to arrest the spread of the pandemic instead of letting millions of people die the way west did was a bad decision is the height of psychopathy. You are one sick individual.
You’re putting a lot of words in my mouth my guy. You said the Chinese government is run by the majority workers. I’m giving an example of how the majority wanted something, and the minority said otherwise. Not only said otherwise, but imprisoned anyone that dissented. Like all government, the few control the many.
The “zero covid” policy in china was absolutely insane.
AND, guess what, I was able to argue my point without calling names. Lmao.
Majority of people in China actually wanted to have a safe environment. I guess just making shit up is what passes for making an argument in your head. LMAO indeed.
Ah, yes, as we see Here the famously outspoken Chinese population welcoming the lockdown with open arms.
In a country where civil gatherings are largely unheard of outside of the respective country, these just super vocal minority thinkers, got 1000’s of people to risk their way of life just for the fun of it. Just cause they wanted to make sure to let the government know how excited they were for their turn to go to prison!
Outside the tongue in cheek, my friend, you cannot tell me this is what the majority wanted. You like/live in china, you should know what it costs those people to even make headlines anywhere. And how many there were.
Thanks for letting me know you don't have a first clue of how statistics work. I guess that explains your views you form reading your tabloids. 😂
Also, imagine claiming with a straight face that civil gatherings in China are unheard of. What planet are you from even?
Good argument
Certainly a better one than claiming that there are no large civil gatherings in China. 😂