Oh well then we must accept the potential consequences of people having new thoughts as they speak, namely the sudden understanding of the stupidity of what they’re saying. It happens.
I mean... that's obviously better than letting stupidity persist, but still clearly interior to not saying stupid things in the first place.
To be clear, my belief is that we should all try to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. People that troll or don't engage their brain before commenting are actively adding noise to our world and diluting meaningful communications. I'm not going to applaud someone for stopping any more than I applaud someone for not stealing -- that's basic decency and expected.
Ok thanks. Reading back my previous comment, it's fairly harsh and reminds me of a relative I'm not particularly fond of. So, please don't think I'm so stern. Nobody's perfect; people can correct themselves and that's a good thing. And yeah I'm aware of the potential irony in this comment. Have a nice day too.
Lazy thinking is a feature, not a bug. We’re social animals. Collective ideation is more effective and calorie-efficient.
The idea of individual intelligence kinda flies in the face of our evolutionary history.
But the “great man” myth helps powerful people stay powerful, so in some ways peddling the importance of individual intelligence is also part of our evolutionary history.