Goddamn, that last paragraph speaks to me. I grew up in a little purple oasis surrounded by a desert of deep, deep red, and the idea that there are all these people just WAITING for a REAL LEFTIST to come along, whose ideas they'd all agree with and overwhelmingly vote for, because they only vote GOP because they don't believe Dems are GENUINE about SUPPORTING THE WORKERS is just...
... neither my experience nor supported by polling, nor supported by electoral results.
A lot of people have dogshit beliefs. A lot of work has to be done before they'd even consider voting for someone other than the fucking fascist party.
It's the end result of leftists circling the drain in ever-tighter bubbles after a decade of ostracizing anyone not pure enough in their beliefs. At their core, a lot of leftists are convinced that moderates don't exist, much less that they're the vast majority of people.
Never forget the recent case of Kris Mayes, who refuses to uphold the Arizona supreme court’s sweeping ban of abortion. Kris Mayes only won her 2022 election by 280 votes.Voting changes things.
literal on-the-ground example of 3.5 million women’s rights being protected
be so fucken for real.
literally ask yourself: what kind of evidence would you require to disprove your foregone conclusion? you are deceiving yourself. the definition of bad faith, and i don’t take that term lightly. quite disturbing to see.
I directly attacked your argument. I actually think you're pretty cool being the same guy who updated a comment with an extra source since snopes got snoped a decade ago.
I have a very strong suspicion that votes are just something the ruling class points at so we go after each other rather than them. It all reads like allegory meant to sway our opinions to are with their methodology.