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Retractable Sail Could Give Bikes A Boost Of Wind Power Retractable sail could give bikes a boost of wind power

Although there's nothing like cycling with a good tailwind, your bike and your body are only capable of catching a limited amount of that wind. The CycleWing was designed to help, acting as – you guessed it – a sail for your bike.

Retractable sail could give bikes a boost of wind power

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  • @walnutwalrus

    Perfect if you ride your bike along a 100% straight salt flat speed-record-attempt course with a predictable steady breeze from the right direction. Dreadful for real people riding real bikes on real roads in real weather, with real distractions.

    The power-up I wish to see for bicycles is the one that makes them affordable enough to cost less than a used car, again. Wish I was kidding.

    • I bought my last bike used for 10 €. That's less than a pizza.

      Sure, I needed to tighten the brakes, buy new batteries for the light, and the gearshifting only works on 7 of 21 gears. But come on, what do you expect from a pizza?

    • I had high hopes for the carboard bike but the guy seemed to be to restrictive in his ideals to get it to production. I was hoping for a bike so cheap I could lock it up with a luggage lock and light wire. something like what an av projector might have in a classroom.

    • Where are bikes more expensive than a used car? I literally just bought a pretty sweet used touring bike for 200 bucks. I guess you could find a cheaper used car but it isn’t going to run.

      Decent commuter bikes from the major brands have gotten in to the 600-700 dollar range which sucks but is still pretty far away from used car prices.

      You can still get bikes for less than half that from the direct to consumer companies.

      So you either really need a carbon fiber bike with all the latest and greatest technology or you have incredibly low standards in used cars.

      • I took it he meant new bike vs used car. Of course new bike will be cheaper than used care and used bike will be cheaper than used car.

        • IDK, there are bikes out there that definitely cost more than a new entry level car, definitely outliers but they exist.

          • well similarly there are cars are out there that cost more than yachts. They are outliers to. Im not OP Im just saying I took it to mean he would like to be able to get a nice new bike and not have it cost as much as a used car. I mean yeah I can get a used bike or a walmart bike or worse yet a used walmart bike. Honestly im not sure if bikes nowadays is any worse expense wise than anything else in the last few years

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