Sync for Lemmy - Now Released on Play Store
Sync for Lemmy - Now Released on Play Store

A beautiful Lemmy app for browsing Lemmy on the go!

Sync for Lemmy - Now Released on Play Store
A beautiful Lemmy app for browsing Lemmy on the go!
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I used Sync Pro for years but I've found the connect app to be pretty close.
So yeah I'd probably have used sync for lemmy if it was priced similarly to the Reddit one but I've no interest in paying 10 times more to remove ads or any type of subscription.
The prices are super harsh. >€20 just to remove ads. €19/year for the subscription.
I get that they have much less potential users to spread their costs on, but that's too much for the added benefit over e.g. connect.
Subscription for sync ultra. Extra features. To remove ads one time payment is coming afaik. And currently I don't see a single ad with dns ad blocker. Not even the ad space.
That €20 is for remove ads. Update the app and check the sidebar
I got enough use out of Sync for Reddit that I figure I owe the guy $20.
Not a fan of the lifetime price for Ultra, but it is what it is.
I am on the free version and it looks and feels exactly the same as my sync pro for reddit.
I'm not seeing any ads on the free version lol where are they
I'm not seeing any either, but that's because I have an ad blocker. But still, €20 for removing ads is a massive amount.
I'm not using a DNS ad-blocker and I've only seen two or three ads over hours on the service. I personally find that tolerable, but to each their own.
Yeah exactly. Sync pro doesn't have any.
The prices are super harsh. >€20 just to remove ads. €19/year for the subscription.
114€ for lifetime ultra subscription
That's more than I'd pay for an operating system.
I use a mobile browser and don't see ads on Lemmy. Why plaster it with ads? What's the benefit this app gives me?
This is just beta. The developer is bringing one time payment for removing ads.
Cool, that's what I was looking around for
Everyone keeps talking like there isn't a free version. I didnt pay anything to down load thus app. Did I get hidden charged or something?
The free version includes ads and trackers. Some people don't want that.
It's free but has ads unless you pay to remove them
The Connect app is awesome! Using it right now. Super happy with it!
Does the connect app have comment navigation to jump to parent comments? I couldn't find it for weeks and I'm now using sync because it's so polished.
Connect dev here and there is comment navigation between parent comments!