I mean coffee is delicious but.
I mean coffee is delicious but.
I mean coffee is delicious but.
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I seriously think that this is why it’s so easy to get ADD/ADHD drugs in this country.
Wait, easy? I have to go without from time to time despite multiple diagnoses of it throughout different life stages, including one from a “medication as a last resort” psychiatrist who explicitly said that stimulant medication is absolutely necessary for me.
I’ve gone months without due to shortages, and due to physician issues. I’ve been drug tested to ensure I don’t smoke pot more times than I remember. I’ve had psychiatrists who refused to continue care because they “don’t prescribe that drug/dose”.
Meanwhile I’ve had to shoo away opiates because I’m allergic but get them anyways.
headass country we live in
Like I get it, it’s always after surgery. But also that’s the thing that gets me, we need more powerful non opioid analgesics so I don’t have to decide between hives and roughing out shit.
It’s just like, I shouldn’t have to fight this hard for medication that benefits me and society for me to be on. And not like “benefits society” in a capitalist sense, but more in a “it helps nobody if I forget to look before crossing the street” sense
My wife has ADHD and because she's really a human suit piloted by ten adolescent squirrels, she is prescribed Adderall. It's often like pulling teeth to get her prescription refilled.
easy??? most insurance will fight you tooth and nail when you want them to cover it, and even then they usually won't. and i have to be scrutinized by doctors (obviously having to pay for the appointments) every 1-3 months just to get a prescription. i can't even get a 90 day refill which is a lower cost because it's a schedule 2 drug (same as narcotics for some reason). how is alcohol so easy to get but i have to go through all these hoops to medicate?
also one time i had a medical emergency at my house and needed to be transported to the hospital. the police basically saw my medication, checked the amount in the container and saw that it was completely fine for the amount of time i had the prescription considering i took less than one per day, then STILL were like "yea we think it might be an amphetamine oversose". obviously the doctors were able to tell that it was not at all related to any sort of drugs from the bloodwork and symptoms, but one nurse still suggested off-hand on a written note that she thought it was ADHD drug overdose. like bruh how, anyone will see that you take ADHD medication and immediately assume it's drug abuse with no actual basis, even when doctors can clearly see otherwise.
that being said i think access to the medication depends entirely on the doctor and area you're in. which is stupid, yes.