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How do you make Linux more popular?


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  • Do we need to do anything? Microsoft updates do the bulk of the work - surely everyone has a last straw?

    • This is an extremely sheltered view. Most people don't even know what an operating system is, and they assume that it is an unalterable component of the computer they purchased at Best Buy. They don't have a last straw because as far as they're concerned there isn't anything they can do about it other than perhaps switching to a Mac.

      • Hopefully most have a tech literate friend within their circle, and the wherewithal to test their assumptions. It falls to the tech literate create the alternatives and preach the values of software freedom.

      • ...and yet Linux is a thing

        Linux was very obscure for a long time and now has moved to less popular. Honestly I think many tech savvy people will switch and the rest will be supported by some company making a product based on Linux.

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