Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.
I don't understand the second point. Who's seeing who like "those lunatics?"
its not that hard mate.
and case in point why we are still laughing
I'm not a mind reader, I don't know who's who according to you.
You have a president that barely can talk, barely can walk. I've seen edits of it in European languages shared around in Instagram and media. And in Eastern European countries, your army having diversity hires is a laughing material. I've seen soldiers laughing at that first hand. Because for them, every soldier must meet incredibly high standards where just having a scar could get you eliminated.
I don't know who's fault is what, but people are still laughing at you. You could build a utopia and people will still find something to laugh at. Therefore it's not really logical to compare "who's more of a laughing stock than other."
i dont even have a president in my country, unless you count maybe president of some company. 'barely walk, barely talk' - are we talking about the covfefe drinking, hamberder eating idiot here? i guess the yanks had one of those. biden could literally be any one of the other forgettable world leaders like macron, trudeau, albanaese, the british guy, the danish chick, who cares. they are administrators.
you on the other hand seem obsessed with biden specifically. given the way you write, it sounds like your not even american, so why exactly does bidens ability to walk have to do with you exactly? are we both laughing at america but you think its because biden 'cant walk'? because its pretty obvious I'm personally laughing at america because they elected an ape that cant string a tweet (edit, an X) together yet somehow half the country think he's god
This conversation is going nowhere. I've told I live next to Syria, not US. You asked what are people laughing at and I delieved. It's not that complicated. I didn't even say anything about what I think of Biden. I just listed things that I saw floating around.
I didn’t even say anything about what I think of Biden
you kept rambling about how he cant walk or talk, so yeah, you did. Its ok, its pretty clear you took issue with the fact i referred to the former president of america and his followers as idiots, for some reason...
you are right about one thing though, this conversation isnt going anywhere and i really should remember from reddit days that arguing with stupid gets you nowhere. enjoy 'syria' i guess. is that a town in florida?
Literally the second sentence points out where I saw that. Maybe work on your comprehension skills before calling people names? Have a nice day, give my blessinga to people around you!