All it needs is a fuckton of awards next to one of the [removed] comments, so you know that what you missed was worth reading.
Fuck the major subs. I don't miss that arbitrary shit at all. And may I just add, fuck AwkwardtheTurtle in particular: seeing them get eaten by their own antics was just -chef's kiss-
Wow. I've seen then mentioned a few times on here before but never knew the background. I'm a particular fan of them claiming they made john oliver famous through the spam.
The cynic in me absolutely suspectes reddit kept them around just for the traffic they generated. But as soon as the protests started it seems to have been "not like this".
You really couldn’t make your point without that bullshit at the beginning? Do you really think it makes you clever or cool or macho to be a total wanker for no fucking reason?