Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.
By.., not being there? Interfering less? The worst the army did was to left behind ammunition for Taliban to take in Afghanistan.
Compare and contrast this to one of the major reasons for Syrian conflict and complete chaos it (US) brought to Iraq; that's nothing.
Afghanistan is pretty fucked now because of the Taliban
Fine. Cool. Incredibly good, aktuly.
Y'all, I found your problem.
Do you seriously think people are better off in Afghanistan now? Fucking hell you're deluded.
I think it will take a generation to repair all the damage that the country suffered since the 2002 invasion and occupation. Getting out from under an occupation government that regularly dropped bombs and mortars across its surface, sent in teams of assassins to execute local leadership, and looted the treasure for two decades running was a necessary first step to recovery. But it won't be any kind of place you'd want to live, any more than Iran was after the '79 revolution or Vietnam was once Ford finally pulled us out of Saigon. It will take a generation or more to repair the damage, assuming some new assholes don't invade again.
The Taliban banned girls from going to school. That's going to take more than a generation to fix. Do you think it's the fault of the US?
The Americans bombed schools.
Mate if you think the Americans are as bad as the Taliban then you are fucking deluded. Take your blinkers off.
If we're just doing a body count, Americans are two orders of magnitude worse.
I'm talking about women's basic rights such as education.
Almost as if US fueled it all by breaking the existing government to break down huh