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  • I wholeheartedly agree with the moral character of Ukraine's self defense. What I don't agree with, however, is the moral character of the US, a supplier of "aid" that never gives anything to anyone for free.

    I once again inquire what fascist state you were so unbelievably convinced I was simping for.

    • I wholeheartedly agree with the moral character of Ukraine’s self defense.

      How curious, because you began by stating

      to think this conflict involves “the good guys” in some way is laughable

      It's almost like a classic motte-and-bailey argument.

      What I don’t agree with, however, is the moral character of the US, a supplier of “aid” that never gives anything to anyone for free.

      Yes, here we have the horrible motivation of [checks notes] not wanting Ukraine, a country who we have fairly close ties with, annexed by an authoritarian dictatorship who constantly causes trouble for us. Truly, we are vile opportunists here.

      I once again inquire what fascist state you were so unbelievably convinced I was simping for.

      Russia. And if you believe this conflict is something best described in 'shades of gray', then I still regard you as simping for Russia, in the same way that Juche apologists sometimes admit fault with North Korea, but always immediately pivot to "But South Korea Just As Bad(tm)". Playing "Bothsides!" games is old hat. It's been overused. No one falls for it anymore. Sorry.

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