"Star Trek is woke now"
"Star Trek is woke now"
"Star Trek is woke now"
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I would say DS9 was progressive.
If the topic is woke Star Trek, it's rather Discovery.
woke is not a bad word. don't try to make it so.
you were making it bad for yourself, I haven't said that. It's a different thing Discovery sucks ass anyway.
that's not what you said though. you said one was progressive and the other was woke.
Discovery is just shitty writing and bad characters, the wokeness is the least of its problems
I agree that discovery has bad writing but that's the only reason it is bad
It doesn't have to do with progressiveness which the entirety of star trek has
Definitely, but I'm still not happy with how progressiveness is handled in Discovery, which comes back to the bad writing. I mean, I like that they have a non-binary character. But that they made a semi-big deal out of it makes no sense in-universe imo. Usually, Star Trek would just have a character that's non-binary and everyone would just go with it, showing how in an ideal world coming-out is either not necessary or not more than a simple correction.
haven't said Discovery was shit because of its overwokeness, it has its serious issues on its own