Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal
It has been revealed through a series of lawsuit-related documents that Steam is maintained by a relatively small team.
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal
It has been revealed through a series of lawsuit-related documents that Steam is maintained by a relatively small team.
What exactly is your point? The comment you linked to has me saying I am poor, and the comment your replying to says the same thing. Ten bucks for one full video game in six months is not being overcharged. A pair of jeans is more than ten bucks.
If you're arguing that the only good game is a free game, I'm not going to agree with you. I will happily pirate "AAA" games, but indie games I'll pay for.
Highschool freshman edge bs is annoying as hell. You're not as smart as you think you are.
It is being overcharged when they game should be 7$ instead.
That applies everywhere. You pay 100$ to do your grocery, 30$ goes to the store owner, you're here defending the store owner while you're trying to choose between eating and paying rent.
So what game do you think cost less than $7 to make?
Man, the education system truly has failed you
You would know
"Find me a game that costs less than 7$ to make"
Find me a game that costs less than 10$ to make then! It's the logic you're coming up with!
Do you think you're the only one purchasing the game? On a 10$ game you've got about 5$ going to the devs, 2$ to the publisher, 3$ to Steam. It's 5$ per copy they the devs need to cover development costs, the rest goes to companies unrelated to the actual development and they're the companies that make the most profit in the end because the cost to provide their service is the lowest.
Have you ever made anything in your entire life?
You seriously think $5 is enough to cover dev costs? Payroll? Rent? Are you out of your mind?
I'm using the example that you provided, the exact same calculation applies to any game sold on Steam because it's %! "How is 5$ enough?" I don't know, you tell me, you're the one who brought up the 10$ game in the first place, how do YOU expect the devs to make a living if they only got 5$ from the 10$ you paid? Because that's the reality they have to deal with!
70$ game? Same thing, about 30 to 35$ is taken by Valve and the publisher, that's overhead you're paying for and it's the part of the revenue that leads to the most profit for the people who get it, the rest of the revenues goes to the people who actually have spendings to cover and their P/E ratio is the worst of the three parties involved.
Heck, Vampire Survivors has always sold for less than 10$, the 50% left for the dev was enough for him to make a living off it and cover his development cost, so I guess it's actually possible for some indie games, right?
Man, either you're an idiot or you're just trolling.
Someday, when you actually interact with people in real life, in person, and don't rely on your parents for everything you'll see how stupid your entire "argument" is.
You've also never made anything, so you really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Says the guy who complains about being poor to the guy who's got his shit in order. Guess who of the two doesn't understand how the world works and is getting exploited the most 🤔
So... You still refuse to back anything up. Classy.