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Rednote right now
The conversations are amazing
I missed that. Thanks. So does that meme from the west outweigh Xi’s entire Philippino welcoming and barrage of memes, prompting the banning of the word Pooh in Chinese media, justify your claim that it’s overwhelmingly Westerners?
"Pooh" is not banned in China. Taking down racist attacks against Xi happend prior to the visit to the Phillipines, read your own articles. Some users used it in the Phillipines to protest Xi because the racist caricatures were taken down, which was a western thing.
You evaded the question with semantics. Is one meme ‘overwhelmingly’ more than a nation of Philippinos?
I didn't evade anything, you've been fundamentally wrong about reality several times. Secondly, it wasn't "the nation of the Philippines," it was some users, and the fact that the yellow bear caricature is overwhelmingly western does not mean non-western users don't exist.
You're going to massive lengths to defend depicting a chinese man as a yellow bear.
Pooh having yellow fur is entirely irrelevant to any usage I've seen. I don't think anyone is using it in a racist manner and if you examing its usage I think you'll agree that it wouldn't make sense for that to be the primary motivator; it's posted because it's censored, not for any racial motivation.
Why do you think it was censored?
We can test whether it is, go on rednote right now and post about winnie the pooh and get back to me
No, not if, I asked you why.
Oh sorry, I thought you were asking why I had the belief that it was censored, not what I thought the reason for it to be censored was. Ambiguous wording and all that. Apologies.
It's likely censored because Xi Jinping finds it offensive. I had assumed this was because of Pooh's weight, or his intelligence, or general mannerisms. It could be due to his color I suppose, but it's not the only explanation. If that's actually the reason it would be a lot more distasteful to refer to him as Pooh.
It's my opinion that "mannerisms" don't really hold much weight, same with "intelligence." The remaining two are weight and color, and there's absolutely nothing saying it can't be both.
Again, you change the disagreement when you’re being disproven. You can’t support the claim that it’s ‘overwhelmingly’ Westerners, which is the point I challenged.
Go ahead a re-read this thread rather than wasting both of our time changing your point to continue a needless debate.
What did you "disprove?" You didn't discredit anything, you just said non-western users of the Pooh caricature exist, not that they make up a majority of the users. This is intense debatelording to defend the use of racist caricatures.