things you can only do with boys
things you can only do with boys
things you can only do with boys
So you acknowledge that I would, in fact, expose my child naked in public. And with good reason. And everyone could see her genitalia when I did.
Edit: Oh, sorry, misread. You think you can always make it to a bathroom? You have never had a baby.
hence why i said rude at best, because yknow, human fecal matter has never been known to cause disease and sickness in other humans. Let alone what kind of sanitary problems that would cause in most places.
Im sure people carry kit with them, but shit happens (literally) and i would certainly want to be in a bathroom rather than not be in one, because that way it's atleast contextually contained and expected. Also do you not have a car? That would certainly explain some of this.
It's rude to change a baby's diaper in public?
Is it rude to breast feed in public as well?
You have not ever had a baby if you think you can get to a bathroom or a car every time before an emergency happens.
And you not knowing what it's like to take care of a baby explains a lot.
It’s rude to change a baby’s diaper in public?
considering you haven't defined public, and don't seem like you want to define public, yeah i'm going to say that's probably rude.
considering you haven’t defined public, and don’t seem like you want to define public, yeah i’m going to say that’s probably rude.
Why are you lying?
I literally wrote this:
How exactly do you think someone changes a diaper at a park?
Not all parks have restrooms. Not all parks with restrooms have working restrooms. Not everyone drives their car everywhere.
I suppose next you'll tell me that people should only take their babies to parks that have working and open restrooms or drive to a park.
park is an incredibly broad definition. Are we talking a national park? Fucking yellowstone? A childrens playground? A public park? A parking lot? All of these are very different from each other, and some of these would make more sense than others.
in fact, going by the most broad definition "An area of land set aside for public use, as." this includes places like the DMV, or local government buildings, and my personal favorite. Memorial sites.
you have got to give me something to work with here if you're going to sit there and call me stupid.
Why does it matter what kind of park if it doesn't have a restroom and I didn't drive? Is a national park without a restroom different from a city park without a restroom if I didn't drive to it? I don't even understand what you're trying to say.
First you say I should have used a restroom or my car. Then when I explained to you that isn't always possible suddenly it matters if it's a national park or a city park? What?
idk maybe because i'm just trying to figure out what the fuck you mean when you're talking about this shit. I'm trying to give you the benefit of doubt here, and you're squandering it by yelling at me and saying it literally does not fucking matter.
For all i know you don't even live in fucking america. Maybe it's just me applying incorrect cultural customs, but i wouldn't know because you keep yelling at me.
I don't think you are trying to figure out what I mean because I just explained to you what I meant and instead of responding to that, you berated me once again.
I think what you're trying to do is find someone to constantly berate to make yourself feel superior and you found someone.
And don't worry, I agree, you're superior. It's very easy to be superior to me.
That doesn't change the fact that sometimes you have no choice but to change a diaper in public. The fact that you don't have any children might make you realize you don't understand that, but even though you are definitely better than me (and that is not sarcasm, most people are better than me), I still know more about this specific subject than you do.
I don’t think you are trying to figure out what I mean because I just explained to you what I meant and instead of responding to that, you berated me once again.
bro i literally asked you what you meant by a park and you said almost verbatim "a fucking park dumbass, what the fuck else do you think i mean"
I think what you’re trying to do is find someone to constantly berate to make yourself feel superior and you found someone.
you literally keep responding to me, idk why you're saying that. You have a family (i assume), clearly im a dumbass that just doesnt understand anything and is trying to piss you off. Then why do you keep responding?
Why not? I have nothing better to do. What is your point if not to berate me? You keep responding too. If you weren't trying to berate me, you shouldn't have accused me of "committing a crime at worst" because I changed a diaper in public, which, and I have no idea why you're not aware of this, is never a crime. I don't think you're stupid enough not to be aware of that, so I can come to no other conclusion that you just want to feel superior to someone.
Feel free to tell me why you're responding if that isn't the reason. I doubt you will.
Now... I will again explain to you the whole park situation since you're pretending I didn't:
Why does it matter what kind of park if it doesn’t have a restroom and I didn’t drive? Is a national park without a restroom different from a city park without a restroom if I didn’t drive to it?
Any park you don't drive to and you don't have a restroom requires changing a diaper in public.
You've never been in this situation, so you wouldn't know. And yet you keep acting like you know. The reason I posit, again, is because you want to berate someone you feel superior to.
Feel free to explain to me why you're actually talking to me if not for that reason.
I might note here as a Finn that this prudishness concerning the naked human body seems very American.
You're not allowed to go to a public sauna in your swimming wear here. And if you're a dad and have a small daughter, you're obviously going to have her in the men's changing room. And when I was a kid, I was in the women's changing room with my mom.
Even at parties it's not uncommon to have a mixed-gender sauna where everyone is naked. I'd say most commonly it's women wearing a towel and men wearing nothing, or if it's in a sauna near a beach/lake then people will have their swimwear on most times.
Still, just being naked isn't considered sexual in any way. You can even see the non-sexual nature for about 50% of the people who are naked. (Vis-a-vis their lack of visible arousal.)
I was so confused by their comment that I totally misread it. Not only are they saying that most people wouldn't change a baby's diaper in public, but that it isn't necessary sometimes. Like there's always a place to do it discreetly when they've just had an explosion?
I've noticed through-out the years that a lot of people on forums like Reddit and Lemmy have very weird and unrealistic ideas about what having kids is like.
idk i've grown up around a family with various siblings, and my experience has generally been that doing much of anything with a baby, especially one that shits itself is often more work than it's worth.
maybe this shits uniquely american, but i can't recall anybody just changing their babies diaper in public. In public bathrooms sure (a car even? Though i don't consider that public), there's changing stations there, and it's to be expected, but certainly not just, in the middle of a park.
especially one that shits itself
Wow. You actually think there are babies that don't do that. Amazing.
the implication there was that they would be children otherwise.
Ah yes, these special children who never have such accidents once they're out of diapers.
If you are a parent, I truly fear for your inexperience.
you sure seem assmad about this one.
Are we going to deal with a 5 year old shitting their pants in the middle of a public park also? And if so at what point should i be dealing with my shit pants in public, because that is technically, a thing that can happen.