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New rule on link Aggregators/Forwarders:

We've had some trouble recently with posts from aggregator links like Google Amp, MSN, and Yahoo.

We're now requiring links go to the OG source, and not a conduit.

In an example like this, it can give the wrong attribution to the MBFC bot, and can give a more or less reliable rating than the original source, but it also makes it harder to run down duplicates.

So anything not linked to the original source, but is stuck on Google Amp, MSN, Yahoo, etc. will be removed.

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  • You sure find propaganda and spamming interesting. You're prolific in posting it, that's for damn sure.

    Luckily, they get downvoted so fast that they never cross the feeds of those browsing hot and top. As long as that's happening, I'm happy and content.

    • Luckily, they get downvoted so fast that they never cross the feeds of those browsing hot and top.

      Meh, most people I know sort by "new."

      But if you think downvoting keeps my articles from being seen, then that means there's no reason for you to be upset by me posting.

      Because no one is going to see it, right? Thanks!

      • Oh, sorry, I think you're confused again; I'm here to help show the few people who do see your posts that you've got a clear agenda and pretty much only post propaganda and otherwise spam the politics community. Luckily, the downvotes show that much of the active community here is already aware, but in case they don't understand why you're getting downvoted, I want to show them why. I don't care about anything else past letting that be known.

        Oh, and I like keeping track of the rotation of like 10-15 talking points you have. Keeps things interesting and entertaining.

        • I'm not confused at all. You're totally welcome to do that. LIke I said, I think it's great you're passionate about something, and I'm glad that I can be a part of it.

          Especially since I'm going to continue posting what I find interesting. Thank you, friend! :)

          • Okay, as long as we're clear that I don't care about your thoughts or opinions we're good here! I'll see you on your next inflammatory propaganda post, but I'll probably wait for you to say your go-to "I don't write the [propaganda], I just post the [propaganda], take it up with the [publisher/mods] if you don't like it" lines there first.

    • I don't believe my posts are either of those, but you are free to believe what you want to believe.

      I respect your right to have your opinion, even if it differs from mine. Thank you! :)

      • I don't believe my posts are either of those

        I do, and Lemmy agrees, so I'm happy with that. Everyone can have an opinion, but like most of Lemmy, I don't respect yours because it's based in propaganda and right-wing talking points.

        • As you point out, not all of Lemmy agrees with you.

          Some seem to be interested in the articles I post. So no worries.

          Thanks for the interesting discussion, friend! :)

          • Oh, right, like 4 other third party protest voters, too. Can't forget them! Too bad there's so few of them here, otherwise you might not always swim in downvotes.

            • If there are so few of them here, then there shouldn't be an issue with me posting. And I'll continue to do so. Thank you! :)

              • There really are very few of them if your posts are staying in the negative like that. You'd think you protest voters would be able to at least help eachother out, but I guess that's why third parties will never have a chance under the EC.

                • It’s the two-party duopoly’s fault! They hateesss usss!

                • Meh, I'm ok with it. Thank you! :)

                  • Don't worry, that's evident by your account approaching 50,000 downvotes in two months. You don't need to say such obvious things.

                    • Crazy, right?!

                      But I guess if I'm getting that many downvotes, some people are seeing me. Enough for me to get all those downvotes. And they are interested in me enough to not block me!

                      That's interesting. Thanks for the shoutout! :)

                      • Trust, I know that you've got a major case of main character syndrome, but unfortunately it's not that a lot of people are seeing you, it's that you post so much propaganda and spam that it really starts to add up.

                        I mean, right now you're averaging 13 downvotes for every submission and comment you have. 473 posts, 2890 comments, and about 45,000 downvotes total, and that's all in the last two months since you created your account here. Those are some insane numbers. That's like a downvote every two minutes for the last two months.

                • Hmmm, as of right now, your comment is negative. Strange how things turn out sometimes.

                  But of course that wouldn't stop you, right? Just like it won't stop me.

                  Why would it? Downvotes aren't really important.

                  I just post the links to articles, I don't write them, so downvotes don't affect my life at all. Nor should they affect yours. Thank you!

                  • It really is strange that all of my recent (meaning, last hour or less) comments to you would go negative right after I brought it up, including in a chain of comments that goes 15 deep. It's almost like someone lost an argument, got butthurt, signed into an alt account and downvoted the other person. I wonder who would do something like that.. could it be the same person who I called out for doing this same exact thing in the past, where they downvoted my comments far below where most people would care to interact?

                    Nonetheless, if I have to take 2 downvotes here and there, it's fine, because it will never reach your 50,000, alt accounts or not.

                    • Well, I don't have any alt accounts and I haven't signed out, so I don't know.

                      But like I said, downvotes don't matter to me. Don't let them get to you either. Thank you! :)

                      • Uh huh, I totally believe someone that posts propaganda day-in and day-out only has one account. Surely a propagandist vote manipulator would never make it as obvious to downvote someone's deeply nested comments into the negative minutes after that same someone pointed out the huge, unbelievable amount of downvotes the propanda poster had, because that would be quite the coincidence. They would never be that stupid, right?!

                        I'll be fine, true, because I will never be able to match your 50,000 downvotes even if I tried as hard as I could. It's a feat to be so universally disliked.