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You know, I've been reflecting, and I think I see the breakdown.
I'm operating on the assumption that as a society, we generally agree that murdering people because we don't like something they did is, by default, immoral, and requires strong justification to be deemed good and acceptable.
I didn't realize there were people like you around here who don't believe that for some reason.
Thanks for enlightening me, I guess I should edit that assumption into my parent comment so other people like you don't get confused.
You know, I've been reflecting, About time.
I'm operating on the assumption that… You’ve been making lots of assumptions but that’s okay, it’s clear you haven’t put any thought into it until you were forced to.
I didn't realize there were people like you around here who don't believe that for some reason. Same point but again.
Thanks for enlightening me, I guess I should edit that assumption into my parent comment so other people like you don't get confused.
Please do, there’s really no excuse to be lazy or ignorant.
Speaking of laziness, no excuse for that awful formatting job.
An actual good point! I guess it’s true what they say about the correctness of broken clocks.
You’ve been making lots of assumptions
Like what, though?
Do you actually care? I see nothing evidence of it.
I see nothing evidence
More laziness!
Do you actually care?
On principle yeah, because I think you're full of shit and I'm holding you to account for it. Isn't that exactly what you're doing to me?
Separately, because I'm so curious, why don't you agree that murdering people because we don't like something they did is, by default, immoral, and requires strong justification to be deemed good and acceptable?
I made no such assertion another assumption on your part. Is the death penalty moral? It’s killing people because we don’t like something that they did. I want to know how you really feel about it.
I made no such assertion
You asked me to add it to the parent comment for people like you...
Is the death penalty moral? It’s killing people because we don’t like something that they did. I want to know how you really feel about it.
I'm generally not in favour of it, and would prefer isolated life without parole. But I can imagine there might be exceptional cases where I might agree with it. You?
I believe the state is too biased and fallible to be entrusted with the death penalty.
As regards the murder of heathcare CEOs I believe the JFK quote “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” describes the situation. While I don’t condone the action, I can understand the motivation. The US is continuing on a path where elected representatives ignore the will of the people in favor of the profit motives of corporations. As long as the country is not responsive to the actual harm people are experiencing we will continue to see violence. The only reason UHC CEO’s murder moved the needle is because the ruling class realizes its vulnerability. Many people of color are murdered by police violence on the regular with hardly a mention in the collective consciousness.
I don’t condone the action
Jesus Christ, you did that whole little dog and pony show just to bust that out in the finale?
Come on, bud. It could not be more clear that I was talking specifically about the people condoning it, and encouraging copycats to re-enact it. I'm asking them to justify to me why they feel that behaviour is good and beneficial.
And now here you are, essentially just regurgitating my own stance back to me.
What a disappointment.
You’re just not very smart are you. The whole point here was me using the same idiotic trolling tactics back on you. A few times there it looked like you got the point but clearly that’s not going to happen.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, you’ve dragged me down to your level and beat me with experience.
You’ve been making lots of assumptions
Like what?
I just told you there’s no reason to be lazy or ignorant but there you go.
Is it all just arguing in bad faith or am I crediting you with more intelligence than you actually possess?
Still waiting for an example.
You don’t need to wait, just reply here. I know you won’t let us down.
Another reply, and you still can't give an example.
What was that about bad faith?