Fairphone 5 - The Ars Technica Review
Fairphone 5 - The Ars Technica Review

The Fairphone 5 will keep on trucking until at least 2031.

Fairphone 5 - The Ars Technica Review
The Fairphone 5 will keep on trucking until at least 2031.
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Seems really awesome and promising however I'm not really trying to have an outdated computer (read: phone) at 600 euro. Not even available in north America right now.
I like what they're trying to do, however 10 years is an eternity in the tech world and if this company doesn't sell enough phones - likely enough of this phone, then whose to say this company will even be around in 10 years, much less have a dev team competent enough to take over support where Qualcomm left off?
This is one of those huge promises that manufacturers make, with little to no evidence of being able to back it up.
Lol, they were funded 10 years ago snd when fairephone one came out people were already saying what you're saying.
There are customers for this kind of phones and the idea to not throw away perfectly working electronics.
But customers accepted to not be able to replace their batteries or being sold phone full of glue.
Outdated hardware isn't really as important on a phone than it is as a PC. Unless you are gaming on your phone, phone hardware is plenty powerful enough these days for the grand majority of tasks.
The software updates are the biggest concern and they intend to do 10 years of updates. That is more than long enough for this device before it becomes obsolete.
I'm running a nearly 10 year old laptop and its fine too.
And it will only get better as technology starts to plateau. They will stay relevant for longer.
as technology starts to plateau
Not sure we'll ever hit that point tbh.
Fair, but I meant more along the lines of what the everyday user will need. After a certain point, what more do you really need on a phone or standard PC? Sure, servers and supercomputers can always take more, but for the average consumer is it really that useful?
Yeah that I def agree with.
Its only 2028 for hardware security updates anyway, so don't think about the 10 years. You could always run any old phone with lineageos on it and get "software updates" from lineage for the same experience.