Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script to redirect to your local instance
Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script to redirect to your local instance
For those that use Tampermonkey or GreaseMonkey, here's a quick script I whipped up that creates a button that redirects communities from other instances to your local instance. If your instance isn't lemmy.world
, then change the localLemmy
var at the top. Enjoy!
// ==UserScript== // @name Lemmings Fix // @version 1.0 // @description Redirect to your local Lemmy instance // @author @lemmy.world/u/soy // @match https://*/c/* // @icon https://join-lemmy.org/static/assets/icons/favicon.svg // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== const localLemmy = 'lemmy.world'; var isLemmy = document.head.querySelector("[name~=Description][content]").content === 'Lemmy'; if (isLemmy) { // Get URL info var splitUrl = location.href.split('/'); var instanceUrl = splitUrl[2]; var community = splitUrl[4]; var localizedUrl = 'https://' + localLemmy + '/c/' + community + '@' + instanceUrl; // Create redirect button if not on local if (instanceUrl !== localLemmy) { var zNode = document.createElement ('div'); zNode.innerHTML = '<button id="localize" type="button">Open in local instance</button>'; zNode.setAttribute('id', 'localizeContainer'); document.body.appendChild(zNode); document.getElementById ("localize").addEventListener ( "click", onLocalize ); } } function onLocalize (zEvent) { window.location.replace(localizedUrl); } GM_addStyle ( ` #localizeContainer { position: fixed; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; } #localize { cursor: pointer; padding: 16px; } ` );