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Teenagers could lose bank accounts and driving licences for snubbing national service, Rishi Sunak says Teens could face driving and banking bans for snubbing national service, Sunak says

Rishi Sunak suggested the government will consider stopping young people having access to finance or drivers’ licences

Teens could face driving and banking bans for snubbing national service, Sunak says

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  • So the UK has a draft?

    • Conscription in UK ended in 1963 and UK cannot maintain even their current small army and are having reductions from time to time. I think it's more of an unpaid labor draft.

      • oh ok, so this is some optional thing some kids could do, but also can choose not to. and this mf is saying if they don't do it they can't have a bank account? service guarantees citizenship im-doing-my-part

        • aight let me break it down: the UK had a "national service" program in the 60's, where all 18 year olds were required to choose between military service and community service (with the large majority choosing the latter)

          the conservative party's plan is to bring this back and require it for 18 year olds of all genders, and this headline is how they're considering enforcing it. basically, most HS graduates will have to spend 24 days out of a year doing local volunteer work.

          Labour figures also privately accused the Tories of making 18-year-olds fix the problems the government had created, by boosting numbers in the military, helping the NHS and repairing infrastructure.

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