Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?
Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world? - Fairphone

Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?
Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world? - Fairphone
I understand the cynicism, but it's worth looking at the details. This is not the most powerful phone on the market, but it looks very good. The price is reasonable. It is easier and less expensive to repair than anything else on the market and it comes with a much longer warranty. They appear to be serious about both minimizing their environmental impact and being fair to the workers all the way down their supply chain. Those are all significant achievements.
I don't need a new phone right now, but I'm still tempted, just to encourage the effort. We tend to complain about all corporations being basically evil. We should do everything we can to support the ones that really aren't.
5 years of hardware support with 8 years of software support is starting to approach desktop class software updates. It would be superb going from android 13 to android 18, 19, and maybe even 20. The snapdragon should easily hold out for at least 5-6 years.
Look closer, there is a cap on the Android versions upgraded
I can't wait til headphone jacks come back in fashion like removable batteries
What matters is whether the majority of the market cares. Some of the most popular phones today don't have the Headphone Jack or SD card. I doubt the Fairphone business is going to live or die by the headphone jack, it will be things live price and consumer interest in their mission, which I think is probably low, sadly.
probably not
Internet Headline Rule 101: if a headline is in the form of a question, 9 times out of 10, the answer is no.
This is the 1 out of 10 then, it's legit really impressive what they have done
Without RTFA, I'm going to guess that Betteridge's law of headlines apply's.