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An Indigenous girl asked to reconnect with her culture. In a ‘racist’ child protection system, her pleas were ignored An Indigenous girl asked to reconnect with her culture. In a ‘racist’ child protection system, her pleas were ignored

Victorian coroner condemns ‘systemic racism and paternalism’ in child protection system after inquest into 17-year-old’s death

An Indigenous girl asked to reconnect with her culture. In a ‘racist’ child protection system, her pleas were ignored

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  • I hate when media puts terms like racist in quotes like this. By definition, it is racist. But quoting it implies it's an invalid claim.

    The treatment of Indigenous Australians in this country is disgusting, and deeply, deeply racist, even if "just" systemically.

    EDIT to note the use of "just" was sarcasm, because systemic racism is a real and fucked problem, and it exists at the very core of Australian society, and if you're white and haven't actively studied it, you won't know it exists

    • @Dalek_Thal @Baku systematically is worse. That means it is accepted as official.

      • I agree, force of habit for me to dumb it down a bit because a fucktonne of people get really angry when I suggest that this is a deeply racist country, institutionally speaking. Our very laws were written to keep the Indigenous Australians down, the racism is by design.