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Runner finds check blown nearly 100 miles by tornado in Wisconsin Runner finds check blown nearly 100 miles by tornado in Wisconsin

A check found on a Wisconsin running trail traveled almost 100 miles — thanks to a tornado. 🌪️ The amazing story of how this debris ended up so far from home.

Runner finds check blown nearly 100 miles by tornado in Wisconsin

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  • It's certainly subjective, but I don't find this overly weird. Mildly interesting, sure, but not weird.

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what's supposed to be construed as weird? 500$ is a normal amount of money. 1998 isn't that long ago. 100 miles of travel feels totally possible. Perhaps it's the fact that an uncashed cheque was found? But, even still, that's not really that weird — people can lose things. It's more unfortunate than anything.

    Am I overthinking this? Yes.

    • Wisconsin bias I suppose. It received minimal votes so you were right, Luke, you were right. (burned throat gagging noises).