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Rate my grist #2 - Belgian Quad

So you guys might remember my previous post about a Belgian Golden Strong Ale. That one was actually a "starter" for this one. What are your thoughts about it? I intend to fermet it with Belle Saison at 23+°c.


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  • In terms of recipe, it's a bit more complicated than I normally go for (the last Quad I made was just pilsner malt and D180 Candi Syrup added at high krausen!) but it looks fine to me. The most important part of the recipe for these big Belgian beers is the yeast choice. What yeast are you using and what kind of temperature/fermentation schedule are you going for? The other piece of advice I have is that most Belgian beers have a relatively short fermentation but then an extended bottle conditioning time (and this is where they develop most of the classic Belgian flavors). Expect to age this for at least 6 months before it starts tasting how you want it to (and most likely longer than that)