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What's your favourite keyboard app? ⌨️

So, up front, I'll admit I'm one of those guys that gets hung up on tiny, largely irrelevant quirks in apps. Yeah, I'm great fun at parties.

So, what's your favourite keyboard app? I keep coming back to SwiftKey. I feel like it's the best typing experience for me, with fairly accurate prediction and correction — although it's far from perfect, of course. I've seen plenty of people complain about it, and apart from Microsoft adding Bing to it, it's not received much in the way of innovation or useful updates since they bought it.

I particularly like that a long press on the backspace key will delete one whole word at a time, speeding up the longer you hold it down. I simply haven't found the backspace methods on Gboard or the Samsung keyboard (which used to be Swype I guess?) to be as predictable or reliable. Gboard's swipe back doesn't feel predictable in what it will do, and Samsung's backspace is more like iOS.

I also find SwiftKey to be the best at remembering sequences of words; if I start typing my address, it'll generally remember each successive word and offer it as the main prediction on the top row. Samsung and Gboard both do that to some extent, but I just haven't found them to be as reliably predictable in the results.

On the other hand, I hate that SwiftKey doesn't can't add an image to its clipboard. Copying and pasting images is a breeze with both Gboard and Samsung's keyboard, but with SwiftKey I pretty much have to download/screengrab and upload any image I want to insert in a chat or post.

So, that's it. Rant over! What's your favourite keyboard app, and does anything irritate you about it?

  • I've tried many, but I always come back to SwiftKey. It was one of the things I missed the most when I tried iOS for some time (SwiftKey on iOS sucks).

  • I love Multiling, but unfortunately it is not actively supported anymore

    Super customisable, helpful for a Colemak user like, and shortcuts for select all, copy, paste etc in ALL text inputs even if they blocked such things. Also many ways to customize text and things like special symbols etc

  • I've lived with a custom build of AnySoftKeyboard for several years, where I've made my own Ukrainian keyboard, with the same amount of buttons as English keyboard and extra letters invoked with a long-press, so that I got the same size keys in every language I use. I've abandoned it for Gboard, because of a built-in password manager. Default Cyrillic keyboard has extra letters invoked with a long-press for a bunch of Slavic languages, it's not the same but I would not complain.

  • I'm still using swype. Nothing else competes, and the two closest are owned by the two companies I'm least willing to use a keyboard by.

  • Since the 99% of the available keyboards doesn't have the Ctrl key for some weird reasons, my options are pretty limited.

    For a long time I used BlackBerry Keyboard, but after an update the prediction got abysmally bad.

    Now I use Unexpected Keyboard with some modified layout. Doesn't have any dictionary or prediction, but has all the keys I need.

  • I just wanted to have a keyboard thats not cluttered with tons of superfluous features so I use simple keyboard configured in a way that it only types and nothing else. I even turned off spellcheck and autocomplete, though that is mostly due to me having bad experiences some years back.

  • Hacker's Keyboard. It's the only one other than Gboard I ever use, as it was the only one I had found with a full desktop keyboard. I do terminal and remote desktop shit a lot, so I sometimes need the keys that aren't typically available on a phone keyboard.

  • I've liked SwiftKey a lot more since they added the bing/ai/chatgpt button. Although I'd say about 25 percent of the time it refused to answer my question claiming I was being argumentative or the answer would be unfair.

    Still there's tons of themes and the suggestions while not brilliant I'm sure do speed up my typing a lot.

  • Minuum Keyboard master race!

    • Glad to hear Minuum is still up and running. I couldn't get super comfortable with it, but I love the concept... and I still remember that first, awful announcement video with the poorly mixed vocals that made it sound like the founder's name was Will Wompwomp.

      • I still think it's the future of keyboards. I will die on the hill that QWERTY makes zero logical sense for touchscreen keyboards and that not utilising machine learning for fuzzy typing is a waste of processor.

    • I remember using and loving minuum when it came out especially because I had a smaller phone at the time. But it hasn't updated in quite a while.

      Are there any other keyboard apps out there that have the same layout options?

      • Sadly no other keyboard with the same layout yet. I'm still hoping for a patched version, maybe Revanced or for someone just to recreate it as an open source release.

  • I still use Gboard the most. My wife uses Samsung keyboard and prefers it over Gboard.

    I don't have s Samsung phone so I can't test that.

  • For customizability, I currently use AnySoftKeyboard, and also like Florisboard (although waiting on next word suggestion).