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G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich

Finance ministers from leading rich and developing nations have agreed to strive toward effectively taxing the super-rich.

G20 finance ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich

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  • And this is why the rich are trying so hard to get right wing governments elected worldwide.

    They know they're running out of runway, and the next few years could be their last chance.

    I'm not saying the usual crop of centrist ditherers are great, but they're better than fascists bought and paid for by tax dodging tech bros.

    • I'm afraid the political problem you describe is much deeper and more entrenched.

      The class of aggregated economic interests that brought the western world the "centrist ditherers", as you describe them, are increasingly backing right wing politicians to divide and confuse discontent majorities, now that the social contract is in obvious and advancing decay around us, due to decades of aggressive privatisation of public goods like utilities, education, healthcare as well as related but also wider economic slowdown.

      Ironically it was precisely this kind of "centrist ditherer" that spent the last half century destroying these public goods and therefore inflaming the social discontent, which capital must now fuel right wingers to quell.

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