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I sure as hell don't.


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  • define success and what systems you're comparing it to. it may come as a surprise to you but many people don't value the supposed benefits of capitalism the way you do or even agree with the statements you're spouting as if they are facts. note communism isn't generally the system people propose as alternatives today due to its centralized nature. not the mention the changes to a capitalist system you made would make it not a capitalist system as you're putting restrictions on the market. and capitalism is based on a 'free' market. which is both impossible to have and easily corrupted.

    • People like being alive, no?

      Like it or not, most scientific advances we have today are because of capitalism. It's because we have the resources available to research more. In the old Sovjet Union it was done with force and well, if you fail you die (Stalin was fun!) and I'm sorry, I don't think that is good.

      Every communist country so far has failed. Want a definition? They were poverty ridden shitholes where you had no rights. If you didn't like the system, you could rot and be tortured in jail. I call that a failure. All communist countries were dictatorships because you can only run communism by force. Watch the Russian movie "the chekist (1992)" I dare you.

      Communism is fun!

      Pure capitalism is pretty bad too, few will deny that. However, in basic it's successful. Measure success? The USA. Why is the USA so powerful? Because of its economy.

      The problem is that the USA has been, als lately is getting more extreme in its capitalism. Companies get more power, politicians less, rich get Richter, poor get poorer.

      If you want to solve that, limit captialism. Take the Strength of capitalism (the freedom for people to buy and earn how they like)and limit the rest. Companies cannot buy other companies. Companies cannot grow beyond, say, 1000 persons. Income tax goes up and up and once 1 person earns toward (for example) 10 times the lawful minimum wage, the rest over that gets taxed at 100%.

      This would create a society that does have Capitalism to make a strong economy, it has freedom, but it also has a huge capital available to make a social system on top of that. Use that money for free schooling, free healthcare, universal basic income, etc.

      A system like that is much more doable and just a little more than currently being done in many European countries.

      While at it, redesign your cites to no longer be car centric. 15 minute cities are awesome look at the Netherlands. Great public transportation and you can pretty much bike anywhere. Electrical bikes made this tenfold better even, there is no reason for car centric cities that keep people in poverty.

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