I'm looking for some rock art. I've been familiarising myself bit by bit but I'd really appreciate being pointed to some sites by the following criteria (in order of importance):
the best-preserved rock art, a la Lascaux & such (and/or the most striking--which is not quite the same thing! emphasis on the former since the latter is more subjective :))
especially which depicts non-human life (other animals & so on) or part-humans (but the less anthropocentric the more it appeals to me)
and especially anything from the neolithic or (bonus points!!) before! Paleolithic is my main interest, I'm not really interested in anything after literacy :)
Thank you SO much!! Any advice on specific sites or where/how to search under this criteria super appreciated!!
It's precisely bc it's such a huge topic that i'm reaching out for help lol! Region doesn't matter but my immediate interest is closer to the aesthetic than the academic side of the spectrum atm, so I'm looking for visual highlights more than other kinds of salience/importance. I just need a rundown of what's iconic (or looks like it ought to be)