The majority of jobs will be affected by AI within the next 10 years. Women need to learn how to use this new technology if they don’t want to lose momentum in the job market.
Linguistic question: is it misogyny if it originates from women? Reason for asking is because I genuinely don’t know if it is like racism against own race kind of situation, and the article appears to have been written by two women.
Edit: lol Lemmy showing their true colors. Would rather dodge and avoid the hard questions, downvote and continue to circle jerk themselves about anti-AI. Love it. Keep it up Lemmy!
These jobs held by women that involve automation will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, per se, but by people who have mastered AI.
This is garbage, positing this prediction as a conclusion.
The rest of the article is also garbage, conflating things like the lack of women in executive positions with a skills gap. Women don't have a meaningful skill gap in white collar work. They do get discriminated against.
It's all, "women use AI less therefore women should use AI more!"