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Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester

The Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-tester is a quantum mechanics thought experiment that uses interaction-free measurements to verify that a bomb is functional without having to detonate it. It was conceived in 1993 by Avshalom Elitzur and Lev Vaidman. Since their publication, real-world experiments have confirmed that their theoretical method works as predicted.


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  • Hey, so I had a weird conversation this past week that I'd like to share with all of you:

    You know those garbage articles that are like "new cosmic ray experiments prove we're living in a simulation" that are invariably garbage?

    Well, think a little bit about the computational complexity of operating a full scale simulation of something as big as the world with as much resolution as you would need to simulate real physics and the world we experience.

    What would you do, if you were someone with enough sophistication who wanted for whatever reason to set up that simulation? If you were trying to make the whole thing computationally tractable on computer hardware that could even exist in some plausible universe at an achievable cost... one obvious answer would be to conditionally render everything in the simulation, not just to run every subatomic particle at all times to no purpose out where no one could see it.

    The physics you would come up with, if you were trying to make that the general guiding principle but still make the simulation a rigorous model of the world, would probably operate along the same general lines as QM does. Everything renders at full resolution if you're looking at it, and if not, it just uses rough aggregates and totals and sums them up, because who cares.

    The operation principles of QM make no sense as physics for a "rational" physical world. Absolutely none. To the point that they sort of irritate professional physicists (or at least they did while they were being discovered), like "it can't possibly actually work this way; this is nuts."

    But they would make perfect sense for a simulated world. Absolute perfect sense.

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