Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available
Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available

Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available

Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available
Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available
Why not just use LocalSend? Open source, simple and cross-platform.
Thanks for making me aware of this cool tool!
Man. I had no idea LocalSend existed. I've been looking for something like this for ages. I'd been using Snapdrop on and off, but it was pretty unreliable.
I use MacOS, so this shit has never been as simple for me as it should be!
KDE Connect also
KDE Connect is better than anything these two juggernauts can conceive of. does the same via your browser. I think it's more or less the same mechanism, just no install needed and fully cross platform. Just visit the site on both devices and share stuff.
The snapdrop app on fdroid gives you an easy share intent to use.
This is something we should have had a decade ago and knowing google it'll be dead in a month
Does this work over Wifi or only Bluetooth?
I've been trying the beta out from the day it was released. Bluetooth needs to be turned on.
I believe it's WiFi with no extra configs or port forwarding.
I'm honestly just going to stick with LocalSend - that's all this is, but Googles
I tried it when it was in beta, seems to work fine but KDE connect is just better and doesn't use bluetooth
Has anyone built a decent Linux solution for this yet?
KDE Connect and Warpinator works well for me
Why is it still called Beta? I uninstalled the beta version, then installed the new one.
I've always said: there has to be an easier way to catch a virus.
This has been a godsend since it came out
Is it just on my end or it takes about half a minute for the Windows device to detect the Android device, but not the other way around?
I hope it gets better I tried it with my phone sitting right next to my PC, and it was so slow.. settled on about 35k/s