What do you think is the most stable place to root your identity? Hobbies? Family? History? Philosophy? Friends? How do you define yourself to yourself?
I find I have little use defining myself to myself. I am. I am lots of things. I have no box, and that doesn't frighten me. If others need to fit me into a box so they can find my place in their personal classification system that helps them feel less or more at odds with the world, that's okay. Sometimes annoying, but okay.
Sure I have a nature that I've discovered over time, some of which I nurture and some of which I try to rectify. But I still don't feel that it's a solid identity, but rather maybe a concept.
Do I wish I mined bitcoin when it was cheap and easy? Or bought Apple stock just before the first iPhone? Or just not stuck my dick in the crazy? Sure I wish I knew then what I know but that’s just the road not taken.
Have I fucked shit up and hurt people I wish I hadn’t? Of course I’m human, but each mistake that broke me also made me put myself back together and I like to think that like a piece of Kitsuni art the remade pieces of me are better then they were before.
But maybe I’m an optimist and like to think that everyone is a work in progress and most choose to be better as they go along, including myself.