Trayscale, a nice little GUI for Tailscale
Trayscale, a nice little GUI for Tailscale

An unofficial GUI wrapper around the Tailscale CLI client. - GitHub - DeedleFake/trayscale: An unofficial GUI wrapper around the Tailscale CLI client.

If you're not familiar with Tailscale it's a very user-friendly "overlay network" that lets you securely connect all your devices no matter where they are over the internet.
No need to forward ports on your router to access your home network anymore. And no need to set up VPNs manually either. Just install Tailscale on all your devices and log in with Gmail or other providers.
Tailscale has official apps for Windows, Mac Android and iOS.
Thanks to a project called Trayscale we now have a GUI app for managing Tailscale on GNU/Linux as well.