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Weekly Check In A Week Late (TW: Death-Replies may be NSFW)

I'm sorry I've been unavailable for a few weeks. I missed last week's check-in/update post because my mom passed away from Huntington's Disease two days before I would usually post it. Obviously, the days just before her death were also very difficult and I was not around much then, either. I knew she would need me to help her through this someday, and I worked hard on my mental health so I would be prepared. I think it worked out well for me because even after a week of sitting by her side as she declined, I still feel like I set her free more than anything else.

My wonderful and capable co-mods were here, holding things down and making sure everyone was safe and supported in my absence, but I was not really paying much attention to Lemmy for quite a while. I am feeling more ready to return to small doses of such things, so here I am, asking for your updates. How are you? What's been happening in your life since your recent posts here? Is there anything you'd like to talk about with the community but don't want to make a separate post about?


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  • I’m sad to hear that had to happen to you but from the sounds of it, you were fortunate enough to have a graceful passing with her. Do you have someone that you talk with?

    I’m doing okay overall. My new job is neat but overwhelming to learn. I was lucky enough to take a trip to a beachside state and it really made me reevaluate my entire life like every day haha. It got me really into the Blue Zones books again, and now I see that there is a video documentary series. It has slowly become more clear to me the the US (among other countries) have an out of whack work/life balance expectation and the many of major mental health issues we are faced with is due to this. I’m on a journey to keep trying to find that balance and ask what I really need in life. The most consistent things I notice from the Blue Zones are a sense of community and a sense of purpose, which help the people not have less stress, but rather experience stress in a more tolerable and productive way.

    That, and I’m learning how to play pickleball.