I love how big “fuck spez” is on the board. I wonder if it’ll be there for the final image
I love how big “fuck spez” is on the board. I wonder if it’ll be there for the final image
I love how big “fuck spez” is on the board. I wonder if it’ll be there for the final image
Hey, someone did you a solid 👍.
TBF I initially just left it there because I figured that whatever predator had dropped it would come back, or some scavenger would appreciate the fresh kill. It was already well into decomposition before it vanished, so I'm really curious who likes well-aged mole covered in ants.
Maybe there are people responsible for those kinds of things in your neighbourhood 🤷.
My security camera did not pick up anybody entering my property through the gate that separates the mole graveyard half of my driveway from the front.
Then it must be a creature of some sort... maybe a scavenger of some sort... who knows...
To be honest, I'm not the type of guy to dwell on these sorts of mysteries, I would be like "huh, that's odd... oh well" and then just keep doing whatever it is I was doing. My wife is more that sort of type, even to the point where she would do a night watch... pisses me off 😒.