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  • Fear mongering that also misattributes the issue to USB-C rather than Apple's half assed implementation

    • iPhone USB-C is hackable, but users don't need to worry yet

      Fear mongering that tells you not to worry

      Security researcher Thomas Roth recently uncovered several vulnerabilities in Apple's ACE3 USB-C controller for the iPhone 15 and 16.

      misattributing by specifically saying it is Apple's controller

      A+ great comment, keep it up!

      • no hacking incidents targeting the device's USB-C controller have been reported yet

        extracting the firmware alone won't directly enable cyberattacks

        So there is no hacking...

        And the ACE usb ICs are codesigned by apple and TI and manufactured by TI, so yes it is THEIR implementation,

        and I was referring to it implying its because its USB C and not because of their shoddy implementation.

        Good job being condescending. I'm sure you are great fun to be around.