Don't leave your phone in the sun
Don't leave your phone in the sun
Don't leave your phone in the sun. Aside from the devastating heat, it'll also burn your camera out just like it will your eyes.
Don't leave your phone in the sun
Don't leave your phone in the sun. Aside from the devastating heat, it'll also burn your camera out just like it will your eyes.
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First Google search from a reliable source (Apple)
Sunlight (or artificial light) is what the camera requires to take pictures – so the camera is designed to be exposed to sunlight and no damage is caused
While it's reasonable to assume that light will accelerate natural degrading, I couldn't find anything (with a quick Google search) that supports your confident statement that it burns out "just like your eyes". I'm also not sure why you think it's "devastating", most smartphone users have left their phone out before and experienced overheating, which most phones are designed around and leave little to no lasting damage.
Quit fear mongering.
There’s validity to the OP’s post. No need to take our word for it, here’s a forum thread by photographers.
Both you and the thread you linked are very correct.
I've found that a quick shot of the sun won't do any damage, but at the same time my original post explicitly says don't leave your device in the sun
Obviously we're on the same page here, just figured I'd toss in a little clarification. Cameras work on a similar technology as to how we burn ants with a magnifying lens..
These are for more sensitive cameras with much larger lenses, and correspondingly, physical shutters.
Smartphone cameras don't have one, there must be a reason they don't need it.
Even if a phone sensor is 5% as sensitive as a larger format sensor (I'd guess more like 50%, large format sensors have slower and less frequent development times), it's still receiving solar energy. Phone cameras still have a (plastic, crappy) lens which focuses light down and microlenses plated on the sensor itself to further focus light directly onto the photosensitive regions of the chip.
Phones don't have physical shutters because they take up space and add unnecessary cost. I can't think of any phone use cases where the device is left outside in the elements for days at a time with a semi-direct angle towards the sun.
But is that enough energy to cause damage? Its clearly not a huge problem otherwise cases with camera covers would probably be common.
I don't think its worth most users worrying about it. But definitely don't point your camera at the sun on purpose.
Basically, my point is don't leave your electronics out in the sun, like leaving it out on a bench park table or such in direct sunlight.
I'm pretty sure it'll be fine with a little brief exposure to the sun, just don't leave it out there ya know..
I'll meet you half way on this because now I'm invested. No luck finding anything other than "It's bad" from non-scientific studies, but I found a paper quantifying sensor damage from lasers. If you can find something comparing constant solar exposure and short-term laser exposures, maybe we can figure this thing out ourselves.
You should go ahead and excuse yourself, as I can 100% confirm this is a thing, as a former phone repair technician.
Said damaged phones will have a permanent black spot in any and all images and videos from that point on, unless you replace the camera.
Go ahead, go stare into the sun, see what happens to you. Same thing happens to your camera...
Thanks for sharing this advice. Sunlight is great stuff, but also insanely harmful.
And I’m just going to also leave this here: A simple Google search of “does direct sunlight damage camera lenses?” shows countless expert opinions in support of “yes, it does.” Of course cameras and phones are made to handle sunlight, but there’s plenty of evidence that prolonged direct exposure can and does damage many different cameras, which almost definitely includes those on cell phones.
Oh wow, I just finished reading your comment.
You mean to tell me you don't understand how a magnifying lens even works? You've never burned an ant with a magnifying glass before?
It's not even rocket science anymore, anyone that understands squat about light understands that when you focus it all into one spot, shit gets hot yo, hot enough to start a fire even.
That shouldn't even take a Google search to figure out, guess you don't touch grass much.
Jesus Christ don’t be such a cunt