Apple Music 4.5 for Android getting new iOS 17-style widgets, more
Apple Music 4.5 for Android getting new iOS 17-style widgets, more

Apple Music 4.5 for Android getting new iOS 17-style widgets, more

Apple Music 4.5 for Android getting new iOS 17-style widgets, more
Apple Music 4.5 for Android getting new iOS 17-style widgets, more
I do find it amusing that GPM closing down made Apple Music the best music experience on Android. For how I browse and listen to media it's far better than YouTube Music was for me - not to mention it actually looks really good.
What makes it particularly good? I use Spotify myself.
Personally, I listen to most of my music by Album, then by all albums of an artist only in my library, and finally by playlist. YouTube Music made the default organization (atleast when I tried it) by viewing the entire artist, and viewing individual albums was multiple layers deep. I also kept running into music on there having their licenses renewed (I think?) and they would be disappear from my library. I'd have to go back and re-add the albums. I just became frustrated enough I had to search for something else. I just really like the layout of My Library -> Artist (play or shuffle all) -> Albums (play or shuffle all).
The Library system is better than the "Like" system on Spotify imo
Also has lossless, the ability to upload your own files to the cloud, and pays artists more per stream
I can't tell, is this an angsty teenager take against YouTube Music.
Google Play Music.
Can I listen to Apple Music on my desktop on a web browser while being logged in to Apple Music on my iPhone/Android? The last time I subscribed to Apple Music (back in March or April 2023), it didn't allow being logged in and playing music on multiple devices simultaneously.
On a single account, no. You cannot listen from multiple devices at the same time. You can have multiple logged in, but only one can be actively playing a time. I've swapped between my phone and my desktop -- and occasionally you'll get a popup that "only one device can be listening at a time" but it usually just takes dismissing & clicking play again to get it to refresh. I think if you have a family plan the limit is 6 devices or something, but don't take just my word for it.
I will never forgive google for taking away Google Play Music
Last i tried apple music on android it was terrible, and you would select a song and it would just sit there a few seconds before it played.
When was the last time you tried?
Works great now, I use it daily
I tried it in the past too and agree it was hot garbage. But I came across this thread yesterday and decided to give it another look. And I'm impressed, to be honest. It's way better than it used to be. It's strange to me that Apple is making one of the better music apps for Android, but here we are.
thats good to know because I absolutely refuse to give spotify money. So if my arr way of using spotify stops working I'll looking into Apple.... or maybe Tidal.
I'd love to use Apple Music I just wish their services were just a slight more accessible. Like I love having it on the phone but I'd love to be able to just go to a website to listen on my desktop that has the same functionality and I'd love a tablet app for Apple TV+.
I do love widgets coming back on Android though!
There is an Apple Music website version. Just log in with the same ID you use in the app.