I'm looking for a new UPS to replace an almost 10 years old APC beast that's having issues, but I'm not sure what to buy.
I'll be using it to power a small home server and some network equipment in an area where there are occasional power outages (but they last 2-3 hours). My requirements are:
300-600€ range
At least 1500VA, 900W
Doesn't make noise unless it's on battery
Must not require proprietary software to monitor it or to calibrate the battery and other basic stuff (if it works with apcupsd or NUT it would be perfect)
Eaton is my recommendation. Look at the 5S1500 (modified sinewave) or 5SC1500. They all work with NUT. I have one of my UPS connected to a Raspberry PI Zero with NUT. And my servers NUT clients are scheduled to shutdown after a 2min outage and my NAS after 4min. I can also monitor the UPS from Home Assistant and receive notifications on my phone each time the UPS goes OB or OL.