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Is anyone else more than a little disappointed that the rampant misogyny, objectification, and "whataboutmen-ism" seems to have followed the reddit migration here?

I was just reading a discussion on another community where the OP was complaining about a lack of NSFW content being readily available. It was really demoralizing to see him bemoaning the fact that the female/femme members of the fediverse don't seem to be lining up to disrobe for his amusement. It's just frustrating to see the same old boys'/men's club atmosphere be nearly as prevalent here as it was on reddit. I had been hoping for improvement in that regard when I moved over here last month.


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  • Yeah as soon as I kept scrolling upon endless titties and ass, I had to block NSFW fully, which is annoying because sometimes non-porn things are NSFW. But I can't keep playing whack-a-mole with every single hetero straight-male-gazey porn community.

    Also little vent: when I do want to look at porn, can I just say how annoying it is that this same cookie cutter hetero porn always outnumbers everything else 1,000 to 1? I would have to filter out sooo much crap that turns me off to find little bits of what I actually want. Eventually, I gave up on visual porn and have resorted to erotica on ArchiveOfOurOwn, because that's the only place on the internet with a mostly female gaze it seems.