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Which URLs keep Google's cookies?

[If this is off-topic for this community, mods please let me know and I'll delete it.]

Edit: Deleting all cookies by hand seems to have solved the problem. Probably related to the bug pointed out by in the comments. Cheers!

My browser has an extension that deletes cookies left by any website as soon as all tabs with that website's domain are closed. I can whitelist some of course, but Google's domains (*,* are not whitelisted.

What's strange is that if I sign into Gmail, then close the tab or even Firefox, when I go into Gmail again I'm signed in automatically. I have no automatic sign-in functionality in Firefox, so this must happen because Google is saving cookies somewhere – or am I wrong?

So I don't understand with which URL these cookies are associated with – it can't be *, because otherwise they would have been deleted.

Can anyone enlighten me about this?

[Not sure I've been able to explain myself clearly; apologies and let me know in case.]


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