Maybe I'm crazy, but this conflict is shining the biggest floodlight on all the fascism around the world. I hope enough people have the wherewithal to notice.
Palestinian people's struggles are real and have been continually acknowledged for decades. But so are the struggles of Israeli people.
The problems start when people excuse these terrorist attacks as being a natural reaction to Israel's oppression, or even worse, directly blame it on Israel (as per the Harvard letter). And this is something that has been repeated ad-nauseum in certain circles over the last week.
Nothing justifies behaviour like beheading a bunch of babies.
Wars do include a lot of misinformation, and everything is just so quick. We have to dismiss first, and try to find the extraordinary evidence. I couldn't. You can't prove something doesn't exist, or something didn't happen.
Unfortunately nobody got time to read everything in detail. We skim through everything and try to come up with some sense out of it according to our world views.
Some other sources such as Snopes say the reports of babies being specifically beheaded is unverified, but they do confirm that babies have been killed and adults have been beheaded. So if we want to take that on face value, we're still back to the pointless and absurd discussion about how many civilians of any age can be killed, and in what manner, before such killings go from being a justifiable to unjustifiable response to Israeli oppression.
Yes. One of my sources state that. You see I'm not cherry picking. I'm taking a variety of sources to try to make some sense of this shit show.
So. Fair. Beheading is particularly graphic violence. Is killing by bombing acceptable, then, because it's not a human killing another with their own hands, because there's indirection in between, through fighter planes and the explosives?
It should all be unacceptable, I believe we agree. I acknowledge the violence of this week's attack, but I also acknowledge the Israeli violence before and after this week's attack.
Not surprising at all, no. But these anti-semites were islamic (not the white neo-nazi variety). And considering the small crowds in London dancing around waving swastikas and a car full of people in Melbourne driving around saying they were "hunting Jews", combined with Hamas's formally stated aims of killing Jews and destroying the Jewish state, you might be entitled to wonder how many actually aren't anti-Semites.
I wonder why the Arab nations surrounding Israel have invaded it twice since the late 1940s? Or why Hamas (the 'elected' governing party of Gaza) have the destruction of the Jewish state (and, until a few years ago, also the indiscriminate killing of any Jews) as among their formally stated objectives.
If you're surprised at the idea that Palestinians might not like Jews very much you should do a bit more reading before wading in with accusations of racism.
I've also heard that some black people in South Africa attacked white people. It's not racist to think there were racially motivated black terrorist groups. It's racist to think all black people were terrorists.
You fluidly dance between Hamas, Arab nations, Palestinians, and "Islamic" people as a whole, because that's how racists take the sins of individuals to justify their prejudice.
You wasted absolutely no time trivialising reality to suit your simplistic narrative.
The groups I'm 'fluidly dancing' between are not fringe offshoots, they are the 'elected' governing body of Gaza and a coalition of Arab nation-states who have invaded Israel more than once. To provide you some focus you badly need, Hamas's charter is very clear on its goals and objectives around the state of Israel and its population of Jews.
Maybe if the governments capable of speaking up and de-escalating the situation in Gaza actually did so, people won’t be driven to extremes.
It’s not easy to do the right thing. It is however, easy to oppress those that don’t have power, and this is an example of it.
I’m not justifying anti-semitism, those people should absolutely be punished, but we can’t be tone deaf about how most governments allied with the West have become silent and aren’t willing do anything, let alone de-escalate the killing of innocent civilians.
Not just that, but while I never believed in the illuminate, the fact that more governments are seemingly being this extreme with their support for Israel kinda seems like someone has almost ordered them to take the same side regardless of what their previous position has been on similar subjects.