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MBTA's new Green Line Extension problems worse than reported, Eng reveals MBTA's new Green Line Extension problems worse than reported, Eng reveals

Former Gov. Charlie Baker denied knowing about the problems with the Green Line Extension, which Eng says were first discovered in April 2021.

MBTA's new Green Line Extension problems worse than reported, Eng reveals

I hope there are consequences for the people that decided to install crossties that were known to be defective, some kind of civil or criminal liability. I also hope that the GLX contractors were required to post some kind of warranty bond, because they're definitely going to try to wriggle their way out of fixing their fuckup.


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  • the people of Boston realize that the politicians have completely fleeced us right? has there been any city works project that hasn't been an absolute failure that the people of Boston aren't still suffering from? they keep building things that fail immediately...