Should loud cars be banned?
Should loud cars be banned?
(does not reflect my opinion, just thought it looked funny)
Less hostile when in context.
Taken from a YouTube channel called Not Just Bikes.
Should loud cars be banned?
(does not reflect my opinion, just thought it looked funny)
Less hostile when in context.
Taken from a YouTube channel called Not Just Bikes.
Cars are already subject to noise restrictions. So effectively loud cars are banned. There is just little enforcement for most of it.
Let's refocus the police funds of shooting or falsely arresting POC, and instead ticketing and enforcing the loud car situation.
Our po-po don't shoot POC (generally) but we still have loud cars.
I know what I'm saying is not objective data, but where I live I hear a ton of motorcycles that are tweaked to remove the silencers and noise protections
I'll say that so much of this is unnecessary or even BS. Ban loud cars because they're annoying, that's all that is necessary. Set a decibel limit and if you exceed it then you can be fined. Set time limits like when most people are sleeping so you can have loud cars at some more reasonable times and ban them when people aren't expecting stupidly loud noises.
Ok well regardless of surrounding habitats; it’s a driving hazard. Loud cars are a hazard on the road if the owner cannot hear those around them. It’s not on the list but it should be front and center when it comes to road safety around others cuz the road is shared.
Fine the manufacturer for each incident with each vehicle and make them recall and fix every one to stop it. Unless it's the result of someone modifying their own vehicle, then you seize the vehicle and suspend their license.
People modify their vehicles to be loud.
Points 1-9 are empirically proven effects of noise, none of them are BS. Point 10 is an arbitrary opinion.
Yeah everything from the list except last point is forced and overdone
You guys lump motorcycles in on this, right? There's some biker rally/meetup relatively close by this week/weekend, so I'm busy giving the finger to every asshole that passes with their stupid straight-pipe harleys and dumb shitty radios screaming skynard or AC/DC.
I drive an EV, fwiw. There's literally zero public transportation here, so I'm not on the fuckcars train, sorry.
Fuckcars is not necessarily about not having a car. It's about wanting the conditions in which you're able to get rid of your car.
You can have a car and still want to fuck cars... wait no... and still be fuckcars. I do, and I'm mad I need one at all without losing hours a day.
My town has a “bike week” every few months it feels like, where all the people with their way too damn loud bikes get the privilege of blocking off half the city for a week to.. I don’t even know?? Drink, I guess? Whatever the case, a major road becomes impassable and the entire city gets too loud to have a conversation on the sidewalk. It’s awful, god knows why the city thinks it’s a good idea. Ugh, now l’m annoyed again just thinking about it…
I'd argue fossil motorcycles should be banned before fossil cars. If it's about riding with nothing between you and the ground, an electric MC will do plenty. Otherwise, cars serve the same need.
They’ve both gotta go. The order is not important to me as long as it’s soon.
I'm intending to get an electric bike, when I can. For me, nothing beats cruising down fire roads and a bit of single-track on a quiet vehicle.
Driving an EV does not mean you don't make noise, the noise is also mostly tires on the road above 30 km/h
But what about that one dude who wants to go rrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR at three in the morning and wake up everyone in a five mile radius?
As someone who lives near a busy road: lets start with making subwoofers illegal first. Its 100x worse than a roaring engine
How about both? A car with a subwoofer is still a loud car.
Idk about the US but here you can be fined if you cause noise. Like maxing out the subwoofer on a parking lot next to residential areas, being a nuisance. As much as I agree with you, I still found loud exhaust/engine noise worse, just because there's much more of it.
Yeah, there are noise ordinances in theory, but those are never enforced and if you live in a questionable neighborhood, the penalty for calling the cops to enforce them is way steeper than just dealing with the insufferable noise. I hate feeling bass shake my whole house at 2am, but if I have to choose I guess I pick that over being shot.
Yeah there is definitely more of it, but somehow its less disturbing to me. Its at least usually constant whereas bass is like pulsating. The odd Harley Davidson motorcycle can be extremely annoying though, the exhaust on those is designed to be extra loud, which I would say is worse than bass.
All of the above should be fined, however, its basically unheard of to get in trouble for blasting your speakers or having loud exhaust, at least where I live.
Or just because it's annoying as hell and we have the technology to make silent cars, so there is no valid reason to have noisy cars on public roads.
How about how some luxury cars are so silent, that speakers or exhaust diaphragms are added to make noise.
Silent cars are dangerous too, I had an electric bus zoom past me and i didn't hear shit because of the busy road. I thought I was dead. They should have some kind of sound at least.
I don't think it's the silence that makes car and other vehicle dangerous... It's the fact that the road is there turf and you as a pedestrian or a cyclist have to be extra vigilant to cross. It's regrettable most cities are designed that way. Plus, I am almost certain electric buses, just like trams, have a ring bell to make extra noise warning distracted pedestrians. Finally, it's always the responsibility of the driver (even you as a car driver) to be vigilant of his surrounding, the driver is in charge of the safety of people all around him as he his in control of a massive, deadly machine.
The reason why someone wants loudness is for their own safety factor such as motorbikes. If cars can’t see them or hear them it is very dangerous. And it helps even less that someone with a car also wants to be loud so they can’t be aware of others on the road.
Loud pipes do not actually save lives. It's been studied. And they absolutely would not have prevented or mitigated my own wreck (sideswiped in traffic), which has led me to an extended hiatus from riding.What did save my life and minimize my injury? Proper safety equipment.
A full-face helmet that was properly tested for regulatory approval is why I didn't receive a TBI or need reconstructive surgery, as I high-sided and slid for a ways on my face, and got hit by my bike as it has more inertia.
An armored jacket with CE level 2 armor is why I suffered a nickel-sized abrasion as my only visible external injury (if it had impact armor covering my abdomen, my internal injuries may have been prevented).
A pair of armored, kevlar-mesh overalls are why I did not have a broken hip or need extra hardware (my hip does inform me when it's cold, however).
A pair of tall, CE certified boots, that were close to needing replacement, are why I sprained, rather than fractured my ankle and why my shin was not fractured. My ankle appears to inform me when precipitation is likely though, so between in and hip, I'm almost a human weather station now :P
And finally, the piece of equipment that I think did the most to save my life are the CE-Cat 2 EN13594/2015 certified gloves, with hard sliders (steel and composite) that I was wearing. Not only did they prevent significant injury that my hands would have suffered, but they allowed me to gain control of my motion, turning my tumble into a slide and steer myself away from traffic that I would have otherwise collided with, very likely causing fatality.
Loud pipes really just annoy the piss out of people around the bike and force pedestrians and those in their homes and businesses to pay attention to said biker. There's better ways to get attention in the community, like volunteer work or developing an impressive skill. Then, take the money that would be going towards loud pipes and spend it on actual, effective safety gear, not that leather vest nonsense.
Very similar arguments apply for church bells, too.
As somebody who lives in a questionable neighbor, I would personally sacrifice a lot if we could ban vehicles from playing music above personal listening levels while in residential zones. Feeling house-reverberating bass at all hours of the day is way worse than normal car noises.
Kind of like the no wake zone for boats. You don't even have to change the name.
In the right column should also have : cannot be aware of others on the road if you can’t hear their regular engines around you.
You don’t need loud vehicles for that, you can still hear quiet vehicles today
Not if you have a louder vehicle.
The only situation here in Europe where I hear individual cars is when I'm a pedestrian on a fairly empty road or when they're obnoxiously loud.
Otherwise, I mostly hear my own car due to modern soundproofing and maybe the overall din of all the cars combined.
The former situation is actually addressed legislatively for really quiet cars (like EVs): They're required to have a minimum noise level. If they drive slow enough to be really quiet, they have to generate an artificial sound.
(Edit: I do hear motorcycles, because they tend to have a unique, loud sound.)
I found that a straight-through muffler made for a 99% reduction of pedestrians stepping into the road without looking.
Ah, you're a troll, thx for letting us know.
On vehicles modified for sporting purposes the silencers no longer work because the propagation of sound is different and therefore db-killers are applied or it is avoided to drive them around the city center or during off hours. Then there are people who purposely remove the silencer just to make noise and this also reduce factory performance, these deserve to have their license withdrawn because they take advantage of the fact that noisy vehicles occasionally exist.
I moved to an apartment adjacent to an intersection on a medium-high traffic stroad and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I have never been so stressed. I can barely even enjoy music now because half the time if I hear low bass in a song I think its coming from outside and I get annoyed for a few seconds.
And car sound systems.
I always found it incrdible shitty that car noises are regulated to some degree and it works okay-ish (where i live) but as soon as you have enough money to buy a supercar, somehow regulations don't apply to you anymore. Same with motorcycles. No bro i swear it's just safer, i need to be heard, it's not about making noise -Pretty much every motorcyclist ever.
Yes it's super safe when you hear a loud banging as soon as you enter a tunnel and everyone needs to turn up their savety device to 12000rpm
Eh. Not denying that also cars have cons, but some pros are 1. sometimes the car is the best way/in the shortest time to get somewhere 2. You can carry much more with you if you have a car 3. It can be used as a place to sleep in 4. You can give lifts to people 5. Some work require to have a car (if you need to be in many different places in a day)
I myself don't have a driving license and I hope I never need one. I use public transportation and a bicycle to get around.
Dunno why loudness is a thing though. Reasonable volume should be advised.
Don't try being the voice of reason in /c/fuckcars - it's pointless.
It's just a dumb meme anyway.
Haha. Is okay. I just wanted to point out some stuff 😄
Anybody else remember the trucker convoy protestors? Good times.
Imagine trying to ban trucks from the cities.
Many places around me have banned Jake braking.
No, because there aren't any businesses which pay a livable wage within walking distance of 98% of Americans. yay logic!
So let's make it so that cities are easily traversable without cars!
And in 80 years we might get the report from the committee about the proposal to create a committee to study the feasibility of possibly allowing four story homes.
Oh, wait, no, some NIMBY killed it.
True but this really has little to do with the excessive noise issues. Really easy to build quieter cars, we just let assholes choose how loud they want to be and the results are predictable.