An image is added to an article to catch the reader's eyes, so the article gets read. I pointed out that this image didn't transmit a proper impression of the article.
If you are as superior as your condescending attitude suggests that you don't even get a first impression of things, good for you. But us, mortals, will have an impression of the article posted by taking a glance at the thumbnail or the cover of a book, if that were the case.
Of course, that first impression will change after reading the actual content, but getting the first impression right gets you more people looking at the content.
ASCII art has virtually no relation to Linux and the penguin is at least its mascot. Judge ém or not it's a SYMBOL, while the ascii art thing does not symbolize much related to the article
Kali has no relation to ASCII art, and I've read the entire article... the writing is pretty bland but to the point while simultaneously bringing nothing of value